After a night at Goose Pond Marina we continued downstream to Guntersville Lock where we had lost steering coming up.
We entered the lock, secured to the wall and found the boat being pushed bow-first into the concrete, port engine shifted into reverse but stuck in forward. I know, it didn't compute for me, either. Shift would not move either way, necessitating shutting engines down. Managed to leave lock on one engine. After a couple of hours we determined it was a linkage slippage problem, got it adjusted and continued on two engines. Exciting for a bit. Fears of extensive towing and repair shop delays were relieved.
Leaving on one engine |
Got into Ditto Marina where we met Charles and Joyce on their Great Harbor N37
On our way back to Wheeler the ceiling dropped and rain intensified as visibility decreased. We docked that afternoon in the rain with navigation lights and radar on. It felt good to get tied up in a safe harbor and settled in to familiar surroundings.