Saturday, November 7, 2015

Nov. 7th, 2015, Wheeler Marina, northwest Alabama

Power of the Burgee

We have been here a week now, doing lots of projects, meeting some good people and touring the surrounding areas. Living, so to speak, in different parts of the country is fascinating, seeing the different styles, cultures, foods, economies and historical sites.

Weather has had some rain, not good for biking, so a car is very nice at times as we are a few miles from town.

One day, having noticed our AGLCA Burgee, Wayne of  Help Me Rhonda, a Gold Looper, stopped by the boat and offered to take us shopping.  Wayne and Rhonda took us to lunch and all over the area for provisions.  They gave up their day to help us out, which we think is pretty special. Thanks, you guys, and thanks, AGLCA!

Our boat neighbors, Steve and Eva, have a rental car and have taken us riding as well.  We feel lucky.

Our boat is one of  only two remaining at the once-packed transient dock. 
Yesterday was balmy. The air has acquired a chill today.  I'm thinking like a duck, time to head south
Tomorrow we too, will be gone.

All Alone for now

Wheeler Lodge in November