Friday, January 15, 2016

January 7-12, 2016 

Carrabelle and Gulf Crossing

We ran up the Carrabelle River to the Moorings Marina on the "Long Dock", a side tie right next to the Chartroom lounge for berthers, very nice.  Most other berths were pilings with scant finger piers. Ours even had a cable TV hookup. 3' tides.
Unfavorable conditions prevented us from crossing Friday night, so we had a few days in Carrabelle.
The 85' Florida Fish and Wildlife boat docked just ahead of us started to cross Friday and turned back from 6-7' seas.


Seaman 1st Class, Bo

Paraiso was already there, along with Clarabelle.
In days to follow we were joined by S/V Dutchess and Palmetto Paradise.

All crews went to dinner at the Fisherman's Wife (John, Chuck, Bo, Kit, Chris, Alan, CC, Janis, Paula & Jim).  Excellent grouper on the menu.
Bo, Don and Joann at the Carrabelle Junction
On Monday Don and Joann arrived on Magic.

We left Monday afternoon, 1/11/16.  They went for a day crossing the next day.
Red Right Returning?

The Gulf Crossing begins.  We left Carrabelle at 1611, R "2" close aboard at 1715 with Palmetto Paradise and Paraiso behind us.
Red Eagle and Sea Jamm were coming out from Apalachicola.

The weather looked great!!

Calm seas didn't last long. Nineteen hours later, after a long night of 2-3' beam and generally confused seas with no moonlight and no sleep we passed some resident roosting pelicans coming up the Anclote River coming into Turtle Cove Marina in Tarpon Springs. Nice to be in calm water again.

All berths were reserved so we had been offered the side tie at the Tiki (Knotty) Bar. No complaints about this, a cozy, convenient spot with all the comforts of home.
We are a block from the nearest restaurants, not to mention and ice cream parlor.

Tarpon Springs claims to be the Sponge Capitol of the World, probably undisputed.

Knotty Bar side-tie, Turtle Cove Marina