Leaving Longboat
Ok, it's Leap Year, time to leap. Been here soooo long and it's sooo nice, but being on a trip implies movement, so here we go. We have some good weather forecasts for the next week. Wind has finally laid down a bit.
After a late (1400) start our first stop turns out to be the Venice City dock by their boat ramp, about 40 miles south of Longboat/Sarasota, 1700. Sign said "No Overnight Docking", midnight to 0600. By midnight we were asleep and forgot to move. Police forgot to check, so all was good. Besides, there was a sailboat there that appeared permanent. .2 mi. walk to Crows Nest Restaurant.
The channel out of Longboat.
A swing bridge opening for us.

Sunset at Venice
A peaceful channel passage.
Next we anchored at Pelican Bay in the lee of Cayo Costa Is.
From Pelican Bay we went to Ding Darling Anchorage sheltered by Sanibel Is. It was a huge bay with only us. Huge fetch to the NE, but wave heights were small even with wind from NE.
We see many Osprey nests, along with myriad other species of herons, egrets, ibis, ducks, pelicans, vultures, hawks, and many more. Florida seems really full of wildlife.
Anchoring at Marco Is.
One must always be ready to kneel, to secure lines, handle anchoring, check engines, repair assorted malfunctions and to praise Neptune.
The Wilderness of the Sea.
No land in sight. The way it looked millions of years ago. Nothing man-made. It is awe inspiring and exhilerating to be out and alone except the sound of the wind and waves (and two diesels we hope to Hell keep running).
The winds have been 20+ knots, gusting higher at times. After shifting from north to east we find ourselves only 15 yards from a boat behind us.
Meanwhile, the boat ahead has gotten very close, dragging anchor. Many boats are dragging anchor and repositioning.
Our big Fortress FX55 held tight.
This trawler moved so we moved ahead and put down two anchors, the Fortress and a 35 lb. CQR just for insurance. Winds are forecast to increase to 28 with gusts over 30 knots.
Arriving back home from dinghy dock and land-based operations.