
Headed to Georgetown in South Carolina, one of the oldest cities in the lowlands. In fact, maybe one of the oldest in the US. It had a huge role in the economy of the pre civil war south. At one point, the major cash crop was rice which was grown in the marshy swamp land that was cleared and cultivated with slave labor. Fascinating but macabre history, in my opinion.
We stayed at DryStack Marina next to the shrimp boats and working docks. We were the only "pleasure boat" tied up there.
Coming up from the dock we found ourselves in a beautiful, old neighborhood of stately southern homes.
A short walk to town we visited the Rice Museum and the History Museum. Unfortunately, the Gullah Museum, which is what I really wanted to see, was closed as in vacant, gone.
We met up with Paula and Tom Vail from Life's TraVail's for dinner and then ran into Gail and Jeff from Yolo. It rained while we were in the restaurant but looked good when we walked outside.