Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016
To Byng Inlet, Wright's Marina,
on Georgian Bay

Homes along the Trent-Severn

The Trent Severn Waterway is many lakes connected by canals

Swift Rapids Lock

Tall sill on this one

The famous Big Chute Marine Railway

Drive the boat on to the submerged carriage

The boat is stabilized by straps as carriage moves up the tracks

Lifts you completely out of the water and transfers you 650' across land and 50' down and back into the water on the other side.

India Jayne on the trolley

Our props looked good; keel showed some wear

Rocks both sides, very close
Cottage on it's island. There are thousands.
A narrow cut afterwards

Starport Marina at the Severn (last) Lock
Parked us almost in the front door.

View at Starport, Port Severn above the lock
Passing Pt. Au  Bareil after anchoring at Indian Cove and Hopewell Bay anchorages, then out into the big water.

Georgian Bay, going "outside" to Byng Inlet

Byng Inlet to Wright's Marina

Our next boat?

1 comment:

  1. You guys are movin along!
    And posting!
    I like it!
    Interesting all the different lift designs.
    The cottages look inviting. Be nice to stay at the summer.
